Well hello there! I’m Mandy.
Since this is my site, you’ve probably already learned a good deal about me.
But like all good storytellers, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include my origin story – so here’s how I got started.
When I was I young I visited Yosemite and, for the first time in my life, I realized just how precious our natural resources are. What started as an eco-curiosity turned into a career, founded in the belief that a company can make a profit while still protecting something as precious as a National Park. In fact, I believe that a company can make more of a profit doing so.
Ten years ago I set out to get dual degrees in Environmental Studies and Public Relations, and kicked off my career creating content and driving strategy for purpose-driven brands. I’ve spent my career in San Francisco and – much like the city itself – work to balance my environmental roots with the quickly evolving Bay Area renaissance.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
When I’m not at the office or hunkered down writing in my favorite coffee shop, you’ll find me exploring the local craft beer scene or adventuring along one of California’s countless hiking trails.
Looking to connect? Great! There’s nothing I love more than good coffee, good brews and good people.
Drop me a note below and let’s get to talking.