Well hello there! I’m Mandy.
Since this is my site, you’ve probably already learned a good deal about me.
But like all good storytellers, I’d be remiss if I didn’t include my origin story – so here’s how I got started.
When I was I young I visited Yosemite and, for the first time in my life, I realized just how precious our natural resources are. What started as an eco-curiosity turned into a career, founded in the belief that a company can make a profit while still protecting something as precious as a National Park. In fact, I believe that a company can make more of a profit doing so.
Ten years ago I set out to get dual degrees in Environmental Studies and Public Relations, and kicked off my career creating content and driving strategy for purpose-driven brands. I’ve spent my career in San Francisco and – much like the city itself – work to balance my environmental roots with the quickly evolving Bay Area renaissance.