Above all else, I am a writer.
From overhauling sustainability messaging, to drafting customer-friendly CSR reports, to creating engaging Earth Day social content, I’m always writing.
And not just for my clients.
Part of being a content creator is, quite simply, consistently creating content.
So when I’m not in the office, I’m always scribbling down ideas on napkin corners or tucking notes away in my phone.
Some of those “scribbles” end up on an entrepreneur blog called Babes Who Hustle - I’ve pulled out a few of my favorites for you below.
I Worked Two Jobs to Fund My Dream Career. Here’s Why I’d Do It Again.
Why I F***ing Love Mondays – and You Should Too.
Why You Should Start Using (All) Your Vacation Days
The Working Woman's Relationship With Coffee
So, You Have a Personal Brand — Now What?
What It's Really Like to Be a Woman in Silicon Valley
We Cracked the Glass Ceiling. Now What?
How to Customize Your Resume (to More Than a Job Description)
Why I Took a Job That Paid Less (And Why I'd Do It Again)
Need a Recharge? Give Yourself a Time-Out
How to Deal with Unhelpful Feedback
Grieving the Promotion I Didn't Get
The Art of the Cubicle Overhaul
What Working Women Really Want For Valentine's Day
For more writing samples, email me directly – mandyshold@gmail.com.